Job Resources for Software Engineers in San Francisco/Bay Area

Places to find Job Opportunities

Find jobs at Y-Combinator start-ups: or look for the monthly job postings thread on Hacker News (search for “who is hiring” or some variation. January 2016 as example)

Find Fin-Tech jobs:

Find start-up jobs: and Angel List:

Post your Salary and get job offers:

IT and Engineering Jobs:

Find Jobs at Bessemer Venture Partners funded companies:

Resources on Start-Up Pay

Interview Tips

How to Prepare for An Interview – Quora – Be confident and clear in your abilities: don’t be arrogant, but don’t be too modest: they need to know you have skills and you need to tell them, otherwise how will they know and why should they hire you? 

For the Driven: figure out what you want to work on or get better at, and then go find start-ups (<20 people) that do that, and email the founders on LinkedIn directly.


Get a counter offer first, then begin negotiating for more: sick days, vacation days, projects you want to work on, responsibilities you want, career development/mentorship you want, pay for college classes/conventions, compensation, bonus, 401k, medical and life insurance, other perks (food, parking, transportation, equipment, etc.), WFH options, location, work/life balance. Remember to think holistically about your compensation package and not just about one thing or another. and this is the post sign up link: “In 6 months can we revisit these goals and measure how I did? and re-discuss compensation?”

Resources for Honing Skills

Home of Data Science – Kaggle

Coding Challenges:

Practice Coding, get recognized by employers:

Automated Testing of Programming Skills for Employers to Recognize:

Coder Camp for Certification:

Quora Answer on What CS Languages to learn (2013)





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