Wisdom from Sep 2023 Part 2

  • When people pick a fight with you, win and move on quickly. Win and minimize cost. Don’t let your pity for them lead you to self sacrifice. Think of Djokovic and Federer in the first five rounds of a grand slam. They do not let the skill disparity lead them to lose on purpose. Instead they try to win quickly and save energy for the real bigger fight up ahead in the semi finals and finals.
    • Remember to manage your cost. If you win but you spend more resources than you get for the win, then it would have been better for you to take the loss and keep your resources. Always aim for profit. Settle for minimizing cost: if you’re going to lose, better lose $1 than $100.
  • Most people perceive and experience the world from a context and position of weakness and scarcity and fear. 
    • I come from a mindset of abundance and power and creative optimism. This fundamental difference colors every statement and thought and judgment on the same facts. It’s why I can’t relate to people and the danger is it alienates me. I need to gain the normal persons mind in order to connect and build a relationship and communicate effectively. 
    • I also come from a position of genius and strong networking: I get opportunities and ways out of situations that 99% of people don’t even know exist. So I have calm and I am unwilling to ‘take the abuse’ because I have options. Other people who tell me to ‘take the abuse’ are people with NO OTHER OPTIONs. 
  • I am way too quick to upgrade something to urgent and important. I need to be more discerning and thoughtful on replacing my pre-existing urgent and important priorities. Abusers try to force me to address their concerns with urgency and importance over my own priorities. Abuser try to take your attention. Don’t let them. Don’t use emotion to determine what is urgent and important. 
  • Naming things doesn’t mean you know things. You have to go deeper to understand. I am a deep person. Superficial people use naming to attack you and boost their ego https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwqDyLayXr4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • Take control of the narrative by telling your own story.
  • Don’t trade your self respect for someone else’s https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw0R-qCNMBi/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • You decide who you let into your life and how you let them treat you. 
  • https://www.facebook.com/reel/6497125437070996?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw  Vision thinking
  • There will never be no haters so you gotta accept it as part of reality and come up with a minimal effort way to deal with it.
  • https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwiMkuXNKHM/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== this persons mom gave unconditional love and it made him want to be good to make her proud. Perhaps I can give love and inspire others that way.
  • Self Sabotage is a form of slow motion suicide.  Small things like not doing the right thing or what’s best for you is your way of slowly killing yourself. 

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