Category Archives: Achieve Success

Life Lessons from Oprah

“Expecting people to do what you would do in a situation only leads to your disappointment, not theirs, they’re going on in their life.  So let people be who they are and either you accept it or you don’t. The person on the other side of the bitterness you are holding onto are not even thinking of you. They probably just moved on. They certainly aren’t obsessing like you are. Letting go of any bad habit that isn’t serving you: not an easy road. Taking the road to more enlightened healthy existence never is.  

Ask yourself: Why are you holding onto this? How is this serving me? Maybe it makes you feel validated, feel righteous, or maybe taking on the pain is your way of recognizing the injustice so that even if it’s not going to be made right at least it won’t be forgotten. 

Do you want to be right? Or do you want to have peace? The unfortunate fact is having both may not be possible. You may never get your moment of righteousness so choose peace. Time is always moving on and is our most valuable commodity. So staying in that loop of playing it over and over only amplifies your pain. Let it go. Lighten your load. “ – Oprah

Difficulties:  Don’t ask “Why is this Happening” and instead ask “What is this here to teach me?” “What is this here to teach me?”  It puts you in the lace to get what you need. Don’t react against a bad situation, merge with that situation instead and the solution will arise from the challenge.