Laziness, Indecision, or Fear often keeps you from doing what you want and being happy. Most of the time, it can be worked out with logic.
Let’s say you want to go on a hike. However, you are too lazy to pack, you don’t know which trail to hike, and you’re afraid you’ll meet a bear, so you don’t go. Instead, you fill your time and life with second-best options, and are not as satisfied. Now you’re dissatisfied with your life. Let’s say you want to be satisfied with your life. OK, what do you need to do: pack, pick a trail with no bears, and go hike.
If you reduce your laziness into two logical choices. 1. be lazy and less happy, or 2. be active and more happy, then you can bring perspective into the situation, and the answer becomes clear to the question: Which do you want? If laziness brings you happiness, then your logical choices are 1. be lazy and more happy, or 2. active and less happy; and again, you can pick the one you want.
Some further comments are: don’t feel bad for choosing to be lazy if that’s what you want to be. It’s a free country. However, if you feel bad about being lazy, then you need to realize the reality of your situation, and face your logical choices and choose the one you want.