Category Archives: Life Education

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

This is a reminder to not focus on the negative in your past and instead focus on the positive you want to head towards in your future.

Definition from this website quoted below:

to feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened; used to emphasize that this is not helpful:

It’s no use crying over spilled milk – he’s spent all the money, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It’s a waste of time crying over spilt milk, he says; you just have to move on with your life.

Here we are crying over spilled milk when we should be thinking about the future.

Self Awareness by Recording Your Actions

In my head, I thought I was doing one thing. Once I wrote down what I did and reflected on it, I realized if I saw someone else do what I did, I would think something very different from what I thought I was doing.

This is because when I think about what I do, I remember the intent of each individual action, so of course that’s why the actions make sense to me–I did them. When others look at me, they don’t know my intent, so they try to figure out what I meant. Others view all my actions holistically to decide what to think. So their perception and judgment can drastically differ from my intent if I’m not actively conscious of how I am presenting myself overall.