Personal Financial Status Update

This post with category “Finance” is a self blog post to keep myself thinking about my finances in a productive and healthy way. It’s mostly for myself, and if you find it informative that’s great too.

January (High Spend)
— New Phone

February (Low Spend)
— Credit Card Fees

March (Low Spend)
— LA Food Family

April (Low Spend)
— Car Insurance and Food for Happiness

May 2021 (Low Spend)
— Gifts to friends and family

June (Medium Spend)
— Credit Card Fees
— Textbooks

July (Medium Spend)
— Increased spending on Doctors during check ups and follow ups.
— Increased spending on groceries to build fridge full of food for cooking.
— Increased spending on socializing (bridge tolls, restaurants, tennis court rentals, gas).

— Goal: Social

— Goal: Level up on Knowledge and Education

— Goal: Enjoy the Autumn Season

— Goal: Enjoy the Holiday Season

— Goal: Really Enjoy the Holiday Season

Life Lessons July 2021 – Focus and Priority

Lesson: Watching someone else’s life diminishes my life. (7/11/21)
Solution: Focus on living your own life.
– All the time spent watching people do activities on TV, could be spent doing activities myself with people.
– All the time spent viewing images on social media could be spent taking pictures in real life.
– All the time spent reading about other people’s lives to see what they are up to, could be spent reaching out to them, interacting with them, building memories together.
Taking a break is OK. Relaxing with entertainment is OK. The mistake I made was I fulfilled my desire to live a better life by watching videos of the better life I wanted to have. I spent time immersing myself in the life I wanted to have through YouTube, instead of spending time moving myself to the life I wanted to live. I celebrated the career success of celebrities as my own success, instead of remembering that while the celebration is shared, the actual achievement and the rewards are not shared: My life remains where it is, and my life doesn’t get better when I celebrate achievements of people I don’t even know in real life.

Lesson: Blame the perpetrator, ask for help from the bystanders. (7/16/21)
– Put the blame on the perpetrator, not the bystanders. Blaming is how you lose support from people who otherwise would help you. If you go to them and you ask them to help you make it right, they will. If you go to them and call out their failure, you have lowered your chance of getting help.
– Focus on the perpetrator: who did what and when. Someone did you wrong: Describe what they did and make that the central detail of your story. Don’t get distracted by what ‘should have happened’ and who ‘should have helped’ and what others ‘should have done.’
– Focus on the present. The mistake I make is focusing on prevention and trying to think of ways to keep things from going wrong again. While prevention is valuable for future events, prioritize the present threat and danger of what is going on. Pursue preventative measures after the present damage is mitigated and you are safe.
– Inform and forgive the bystanders and treat them better than the perpetrator. The mistake I make is to hold those responsible for ensuring things go right to a higher standard than those who did the actual crime. This is wrong. I should blame the person who does bad actions more than the people who don’t even know it’s happening. I shouldn’t blame them for not observing or noticing when they can’t: it’s behind closed doors, etc.  The bad person is often strategic so they go undetected. Blame the bad person for their bad actions, inform the bystanders of how the bad person got away with it so they can get better at detection.

Life Lessons May 2014 Part 2

Hello Readers! 
I’d like to transition to a life lessons format for this blog to give it a consistent profile so you know what to expect.  Please let me know your feedback in the comments below and please enjoy!
Never dismiss something before you understand it. Don’t disagree simply because you don’t understand it either.  Always take the time to understand it first: how it works, the pros and the cons. Only then are you allowed to disagree or dismiss something.
People’s faces are often a reflection of yours, so what you see is what they see.  It might be your fault if everyone is frowning at you.
Instead of rebelling by asking “how is it my fault,” ask “how can I make it my fault” or “How can I take responsibility for or influence the outcome?”  Taking control of the situation empowers you and helps you learn and grow.
An amateur gets to say, today was an off day, I’ll beat you next time on a good day. A professional takes responsibility for winning on any day in any condition.
Too much water is dangerous, particularly in hot weather because you end up diluting your body of nutrients. Balance drinking water with juice, milk, fruits and vegetables so that pure water isn’t your only source of liquid in hot weather.
Being sensitive is a sign of fight or flight and stress. Relaxation is not sensitive; relaxation is non-responsive.
I rarely take initiative: I believe in training passive skills to carry me through. I need to now take an active role and train active skills: consciously thinking about dance moves, thinking about how to solve a problem, conversation, etc.
You need a balance between having the calm and patience to wait for opportunities, and taking action to increase the odds of getting what you want.
Power is a prerequisite to freedom. You can’t have freedom without the power to be free.  And that power comes from somewhere: you, external, etc.
It’s not what you wear but how you wear it. Having isn’t enough, using it properly and effectively is needed too.
Be careful about using adjectives to describe people in a conversation. Don’t say someone else is expensive, because that can be an accusation; instead, say that you are more cheap than they are. However, at the same time, you don’t want to insult yourself, so be strategic with your adjectives. When to describe something in reference to yourself or the other party is a decision you should weigh carefully before you speak.

Rebalancing your portfolio is critical to reducing volatility and increasing your return.  Assess where your energy is going and whether there’s another opportunity you can use for diversification. (Source:

Accept help. Don’t let the desire to be independent and self made hold you back from your full potential.  People are willing to help, and there is a fair price you can pay for what they give.  Learn that fair price.  
1 I hit resource barriers in the past. With sports, I felt held back by lack of access to facilities. For Rubik’s, lack of access to new cutting edge cubes; for business, lack of resources to start.  Olympiads, lack of teachers, community, structure, parents to support me.  I took this as bitterness towards the unfairness of the world. That I didn’t have resources. 2 Then I asked myself, why didn’t I get sponsorship? Why wasn’t I recognized for being great with my bad resources and then given the tools necessary to keep going by people who invest? Then I realized it’s because I’d always refuse help, I wanted to be self made: I turned down the help, or my mom refused to let me join sports, or my peers conspired to steal my leadership position and therefore desire to win; then I tried to hide all my talent for fear of being mistreated or manipulated or used, then I raged against the capitalism and the unfairness that stems from not being able to fund myself or from within the family–I have to take outside investment where I must give up more of my profits instead of just being able to own all of it.  3. Finally I overcome and accept external help.  I accept because a. I realize I need it b. I appreciate the help I get and realize that they deserve value for the value they give me
Life is difficult because you are the designer.  That’s why people like structure: it is a relief to not have to make decisions. 
In a computer game a game designer designs the quests so you just have to play them. In school, there are people who design the curriculum so you just have to learn it. At work, other people build the system, you just obey.  It’s only in creative work that you start getting choices.  The point is that it’s easier to play a game because it’s well designed, and life is difficult because it isn’t well designed, and you have to figure out what the quests are yourself and what you get out of them.
False sense of security means danger.
False sense of danger means danger too, because if you always believe you’re not safe then you’ll never ever feel secure and never rest. Either I am stressed from danger or stressed from the danger of false safety.
I have a fear of giving criticism because I think criticism is death.  This is not true because not everyone is suicidal or willing and ready to leave you at a whim.  Some will want to work on it and stay. Talk through it maturely.
My worst fear is to be used for results.  I can overcome this by making me the main character of my life, and finding fair trades that benefit me.  That way, if I am used for results, I am paid for them in a fair trade that benefits me. 
Observations are not rules.
I used to want to compete in Math/Science Olympiads in High School so I looked up the profiles of every winner in the last 10 years to learn from them.  I learned that they all had two parents, so I became discouraged because I only had 1 parent.  I felt so empty knowing that they could study for competition while I had to manage the emotions and finance of the family for my single mother.  They had 2 parents giving positive impact, and I had one parent giving negative impact: it was -3 in terms of net difference.
However, I regret thinking I was doomed to fail at Olympiad competition.  Just because I observe that all HS Science/Math Olympiad people had two parents doesn’t mean that’s a rule: I can break that rule.  It is important to know when rules can and can’t be broken.  I got to within top 300 places in the USA in 5 Olympiads simultaneously while also supporting my mom and also believing that I couldn’t do it and therefore not trying.  If I had believed in myself and tried hard, I know how I could have made it. I’m not saying I’d make it for sure.  I’m saying I could have if I believed in myself more. 
How I achieved success in school was by always being one step ahead of all of my classmates: learning lessons from 1-7 years ahead of everyone else (If the teacher’s teaching 7th grade, I’m reading the 10th grade textbook, etc.), that’s why I could do well. What I’m finding out is that this doesn’t work in the real world because now you’re facing people who have done it their entire lives.  So you really really REALLY have to find something you want to dedicate your entire life to if you want to be anything close to exceptional at it.


I realized that whenever I got a coach for a sport in the past, I’d always tell them I want to be the best, and so they’d always respond by holding me up to the impossible standards of the best, which causes me to be annoyed at them because I know I can win without meeting what to me seem like unusual requests specific to the coach, and so I quit going to the coach. Next time, I won’t quit. tl;dr, turns out coaches in my past weren’t throwing random obstacles at me, but actually doing what I wanted them to do without explaining that’s what was going on.

The natural thing to do when someone doesn’t like you is to not like them back. The mature thing to do is to respect them regardless and not treat them any worse than you would a normal person.
In a capitalistic society, freedom is not free: it has a price.