3 Keys to Goal Setting Success

Goal setting isn’t easy.  Setting a goal is easy.  What is goal setting?  It’s not just picking a goal.

Goal setting is about picking

  1. The right goal
    – How big is this goal?  Is it going to be 3 steps over a few days, or a hundred step over months or years?
    – What category should you set your goal in? Should it be in art, math, relationships, etc?
    – How likely are you going to be able to succeed at this goal?  1%? 90%?
  2. For you
    – Why did you decide to set this goal? Is it because parents/society? Is it because you want to achieve it? is it because you want to get something after you achieve it?
  3. At that time.
    – Why now? Why not take a different goal for now and do this goal later?
    – How does this goal fit into your current life plans and strategy?

Other good questions to ask about your goal are:

  • What is the follow up goal after you finish this goal? What does achieving this goal lead into next?
  • What is your Goal Plan?   (Next post = goal planning!) How do you specifically in detail plan to achieve your goal?

This post is part of AttemptedLiving’s Life Education Curriculum, a collection of core knowledge everyone should have.

To find out when those posts, and other life education writing, are released, subscribe on the side! Follow on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google+, on Tumblr.

Thoughts on Trust

Trust of Corporate Entities is made up of 3 things: Empathy, Logic, and Authenticity. If your Manager/Leader gives you those 3, then you’re more likely to trust them

Trust of strangers through a website (Uber/Airbnb/BlaBlaCar) is made up of 3 things: Trust the Idea, Trust the Platform, Trust the Other User
Trust over time: Community Accountability -> Systems of Authority (Legal/Government/Institutions/Church) -> Distributed Systems of Trust (Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber)


Personally, to me, in order to trust a system like government, capitalism, education, etc., I need to be taught enough of it that I approve and accept how it works and why.  Example: I hated league of legends ranking because I thought it was flawed and the system was not reflective of my skill because teammates bad, etc.  But then I was convinced of the system, and experienced the ranking system working correctly when viewed over long periods of time, and then I realized that I can accept the system, and that I had enough tools and skills to assess my performance and learn and improve and see that work pay off. Then I became much more willing to invest in the system.

This principle to me is true for capitalism as well.  Before I understood capitalism, I hated it and believed it was the cause and source of all my suffering as a poor person.  Now I understand it’s use and what it’s good at, so I can understand why it exists despite the fact that it did and does and will continue to cause pain and suffering to those it wasn’t designed to serve.  Now I can participate knowing that it’s not a flawed system, it’s just a limited system.  The analogy is: The butter knife is used to put butter on bread, not to cut through tough steak.  If you try to misuse the butter knife you will have a hard time.  The steak knife is used to cut through tough steak, but if you try to use it to spread butter you’ll have a hard time. Capitalism was designed for use by the rich. It was not designed for the poor. Using capitalism on the poor is like using the wrong knife for the wrong purpose.  It doesn’t mean the knife is bad, it just means the use case and application is wrong.

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Recent Thoughts

Parents/childhood may have overly punished you for certain behaviors and thus given you an inaccurate impression of how important those behaviors were.  Learn to overcome your childhood limitations.
At the same time, you will learn that some of those punishments are very valid, because the reality is even worse than the punishment your parents gave for breaking those rules.

There is a safety in having rules and regulations, they bring consistency into your life.  If you want to test rules, do them one or a few at a time.  Uprooting too much at a time generally results in chaos. There is a time and place for chaos, just make sure you know what you’re getting into ahead of time when you decide to uproot too much at a time.

Life is too short to be forcing yourself to feel bad about things. And it’s too short to be wasting time on what is working against you. For example, to join a group (school/club/company/etc) that doesn’t want you there. Unless you really know it’s what you really want, don’t waste time trying to win over people who don’t want you there. Invest in the people who do want you there. They will build you up emotionally and then you can use that to get to where you want to go.

Others view life as money because money can solve problems. I view life as skills because skills can solve problems and skills won’t leave you like money will.  The skill of catching a fish will generate a monetary value every time you go fishing. But the skill of buying a fish will cost you a monetary value every time you buy a fish.  Skills are an infinitely replenishing asset, while purchases are a one time depreciating asset.  (investments excluded)

who is right? Someone who uses money to solve problems, or me, someone who learns and gains skills.  The scalability of a single person’s skills is significantly capped compared to the scalability of an economic system with a financial system.  There’s no right or wrong…it’s just…different. I think it’s smarter to solve myself, others think it’s smarter to hire a professional.  There’s more to this but I won’t dive into it in this post.

Advice on calming down: http://www.bakadesuyo.com/2015/10/how-to-get-rid-of-anger/

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