Feb 2017 I was sick and stuck in bed for 4 weeks due to the Flu, and I have to say being sick is a very lonely activity. Being stick in bed means you don’t see anyone at work, because you don’t go to work, and you don’t see anyone on your commute, because you aren’t commuting, and you don’t see any human beings in person at all, except the ones who live with you, but they have lives and are rarely home, so you’re basically alone all day and night and it’s very lonely.
All the things you’d normally do to pass time are no longer an option. You suddenly find yourself with so many hours of free time, but no energy or ability to take advantage of said free time. So you aren’t gaining happiness from doing fun things. Instead, you’re just decaying slowly as the illness saps your energy.
It’s depressing to say the least. And the longer it goes on, the more lonely you feel because your Loneliness Battery isn’t being recharged.
I know the typical response is to say: oh that person is sick, I don’t want to get sick too so let’s avoid that person. But that is the wrong thing to do because you aren’t helping them get well by leaving them alone. Go to them, spend some time with them. Practice safe and intelligent hygiene to avoid contracting illnesses, and continue proper self care to stay healthy yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of being present for someone in helping them continue to fight the illness, in helping them recover from illness, in helping them be healthy.
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